What to expect after leaving your narcissist and going "no contact"

Once you finish going through the detox phase, which includes massive cravings for your narcissist, feelings of despair and emptiness (caused by a depletion of the hormone, oxytocin,) and the withdrawal phase at the beginning of going no contact, you will come to experience some positive changes in your reality.

Leaving a narcissist is similar to breaking a heroin addiction. It is painful and difficult, but in the end, you get your life back. In order to get yourself through the hardest parts of the initial break, you must allow yourself to experience the discomfort and anxiety, and let yourself grieve your loss. Dont analyze why or berate yourself for, just let yourself feel your pain and treat yourself kindly as you face the emptiness that enters your life when the narcissist and all his/her chaos leaves.

At the same time, remind yourself that there will eventually be an end to your suffering. In fact, following is a list of what is gained when a person leaves a narcissist or other type of psychopath or toxic person. There are many benefits from extricating yourself from the emotional quagmire created by a narcissistic relationship:

While youre in a toxic relationship, you feel constantly driven to fix it and improve it, or hold out for the hope that one day things will work; but, that day never comes. At some point you realize that you just need to lay it down and walk away for good. Yes, its hard to get to that place. In fact, that is the hardest part of the journey.

After you get to that place of surrender, where you let go of any and all attempts to change the other person or repair the relationship; admit you cant and dont even want to try any more, then you start on a new chapter of your life one of liberty, serenity, and joy.

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