Small Business

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Verify a firm's small business enterprise certification and search through a directory of certified firms.

People discussing the programs

Read to find out if your business qualifies.

Person signing a contract

Check out the Capital Projects Forecast, learn about the Equitable Distribution Program, read Projects Under Review and more.

Contract Requirements

Contractors are urged to review contracts to ensure your compliance with all County requirements.

Read all of the forms used by the Office of Small Business Development and weekly and monthly reports.

Learn about the Sections of the Code and Implementing Orders related to the Small Business Programs.

Read up on the Advisory Boards created to provide general program oversight and assist in tracking and monitoring the Small Business Enterprise Programs.

News & Events

About Us

Small Business Development (SBD) is a unit of the Office of the Mayor. SBD is responsible for the administration of Miami-Dade County's Small Business Enterprise, Wage and Workforce Programs. Additionally, SBD is responsible for the County’s Debarment, Cone of Silence, Selection Committee Formations, Change Order Coordination Process, Anti-Discrimination Ordinance, Prompt Payment Ordinance, Equitable Distribution Program, and Miscellaneous Construction Contracts Program as mandated by County Code, implementing orders, and federal regulations.

Serving the County's small business community and ensuring workforce requirements are met are our main priorities. For more information, please contact us at 305-375-3111 or via email.

There were approximately 1,755 firms certified in the Small Business Enterprise Programs during fiscal year 2022-23. Over $2.2 billion was paid in 2023 on County projects within the three contracting industries of Architectural & Engineering (A&E), Construction (CON), and Goods & Services (G&S). As a result of SBD's efforts in applying small business measures, 20 percent or over $455 million was paid to certified small businesses. Of which $33 million went to SBE A&E, $256 million went to SBE CON, and $166 million went to SBE G&S.