Obscene Contract


Hana Won works as an analyst for a domestic baseball team because of a 10-year crush on ex-classmate and MLB player, Jinhwon Kim. She dedicates much of her time recording everything about him in hopes of meeting him again. As it turns out, fate might finally be on her side because Jinhwon suddenly announces that he is returning to South Korea to join Hana’s baseball team. However, upon his return, Jinhwon does not even recognize Hana and coldly rejects her confession. Dejected and hurt, Hana decides to blackmail Jinhwon into entering a contractual relationship which creates new issues that neither expected.

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The plot itself is a huge red flag.🙇❌

I’m gonna be honest and say I can’t stand the FL this is no hate to the author at all this is just my opinion of the story so far this might fit others types of stories but for me it’s a no but please don’t let my opinion affect your choice of reading this story 🙂